Conditions of use of the Website
The Internet site accessible at the URL is the property of Unique Srl, Italy, 28040 Dormelletto, Via Mazzini 26, VAT NO. IT02395640036, which holds all the relative rights.
Use of the site is permitted in order to consult the information it contains, but its use for commercial purposes, or within the context of a business, is forbidden.
The term “Use” covers all operations performed by the User from the moment of access to the Site, including mere consultation, regardless of the access device (PC, tablet or smartphone), the type of connection (private, third-party, public or WI-FI) and the connection location.
Use of the Site implies the User’s acceptance of these conditions without reservations. The conditions may be modified by Unique Srl over time, and Users are therefore advised to view them periodically; the relevant version is the one published on the site at the time of use.
Operation of the Site
The Site enables the User to:
·       find out about the articles and services offered by;
·       acquire contact details and information about the business of
The list of functions is purely guideline and is not exhaustive.
Conditions of use of the Site
Use of the Site is only permitted to people who are legally of age and identifiable as natural persons, or children under eighteen years of age authorized by a parent or guardian. Access to some of the Site’s services may be conditional on creation of an Account, for which purpose the User may be asked to contribute information which allow him to be identified.
Unique srl is obliged to collect and store personal data which allow the User to be identified and the User must contribute accurate, complete data with regard to his identity, and must conserve the credentials, treating them as strictly confidential. With regard to data processing, reference should be made to the privacy policy statement available on the Site.
Code of Conduct
Users must not:
·       commit unlawful acts;
·       extract or collect the personal data of the Site’s users by any means;
·       extract, record or use data or contents without obtaining specific consent;
·       store, disseminate or publish any comment or content which is unlawful, harmful, injurious or discriminatory, which incites hatred, which is contrary to public morality, or which is damaging to the privacy or rights of others, especially the image, reputation and intellectual property rights of;
·       engage directly or indirectly in propaganda of any kind or nature using material obtained from the site or with reference to it;
·       store, disseminate or publish any contents which may be directly or indirectly damaging to the rights of
Intellectual property
Unique Srl prepares the contents published on the site in full compliance with copyright law, in order to protect authors’ rights and conform to the regulatory framework regarding intellectual property, designs and patterns, brands, domain names, patents and know-how.
Unique Srl is the owner of all the Contents of the Site and the relative rights, and users are not permitted to use the materials (texts or images) in any circumstances and for any reason.
Users use and consult the Site entirely under their own responsibility.
Unique Srl shall not be considered responsible for damage arising from access to or use of the Site and the information it contains.
Unique Srl reserves the right to temporarily suspend access to the Site for technical reasons relating to maintenance and updates, without any entitlement to claim compensation on the part of users.
Unique Srl shall not under any circumstances be considered responsible in the event of network malfunctions preventing the correct functioning or display of the Site, or which render previously published information unavailable; similarly, it shall not be held responsible for any event or condition relating to the user’s systems which prevent him from making correct use of the published resources.
Unique srl shall not under any circumstances be considered responsible in the event of the publication of incorrect or inaccurate information, and undertakes to make the necessary corrections as soon as it becomes aware of any such events.
Personal data protection
In accordance with the data protection legislation Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, the data collected on the Site will be processed by Unique Srl.
Users may exercise their rights with regard to the processing of their data by sending a specific request to Unique Srl, Italy, 28040 Dormelletto, Via Mazzini 26, Users may consult the Personal data protection policy of as published on the Site.
In the event that one or more clauses of the general conditions of use are declared null and void further to the application of a law, a regulation or a definitive legal sentence or administrative ruling, the other clauses shall retain their validity.
Applicable Law and Competent Law Court
These General Conditions of Use are governed by Italian law. Any dispute not settled out of court shall be subjected to the exclusive jurisdiction of the law court of Novara, Italy.